Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday Night, Preacher's Delight!

One of the world's best pastors, Bill Smith, taught me this fun proverb: Sunday Night, Preacher's Delight!  I am feelin' it today, friends.

There is a air of vibrancy at Scottsville Baptist Church.  The Holy Spirit is moving.  On some Sundays it's like a thousand lightning bugs were let loose in the sanctuary and we're running around trying to catch all the joy.  Today was like that. (I made about 14 jokes.  Thanks for laughing at 12 of them.)  Sunday Night, Preacher's Delight!

This afternoon our Sunday School class visited a local nursing home. Susan organized the day so well.  We shared cookies, visited folks' rooms, sang carols, played bingo, and gave away lots of fun door prizes.  We laughed and we shed some tears too.  Lots of folks are missing spouses and loved ones.  We thanked veterans, and listened to stories.  It was a gift.

The residents enjoyed bingo!
We enjoyed Starbucks.
I love seeing church members thrive in ministry.  I love seeing the church worshipping with gladness, meeting needs, and being the presence of Christ to one another.

Sunday Night, Preacher's Delight indeed.

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